Monday, July 26, 2010

Jack's Top 10

Jack and I ate dinner on the deck tonight. Oh, what a nice breeze we had! It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since the "heat" arrived, and it hasn't let up once. This is the first time we even got to open the windows and let some fresh air in the stale house!

Anyway, we were on the deck eating. Dennis wasn't home yet. We started talking about things that Jack could be when he grows up. He loves the idea of going to college and being able to study "whatever you want to without the teacher telling you what to do."

Jack's Top 10 Jobs He Will Pursue After College:

10. Violinist
9. Artist
8. Garbage Man
7. Construction Worker
6. Bird Watcher
5. Zoo Keeper
4. Bull Fighter
3. EMS Worker
2. Astronaut
Jack: Mom don't write down Fire Fighter because it's too scary. So I'll pick a different one
me: Gotcha
1. Landscaper (as long as I can use a woodchipper)

Then we got on the subject of coins and wishes.

me: What if you had 10 coins and each one could buy one thing, and it could be whatever you wanted!
Jack: Oh this is easy!

10. Car
9. Pogo Stick
8. Video Game
7. Pet Snake
6. Plant Cactus
5. House
4. Food Market
3. Gas Station
2. New Clothes
1. Misting Fan (to keep cool on the deck)

I really think he has everything covered!

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