Saturday, June 5, 2010

Final Day at the Cape

No wi-fi connection last night, so this will be a compilation of yesterday and today.

It was sad to see the week come to an end. But, all good things must end some time. We tried to pack as much into our last vacation day as possible. Starting with another trip to P-Town. There are so many things to see and do there, that we never fit it all in during one trip. This 2nd trip involved climbing the Pilgrim Monument, visiting the Wydah Pirate Museum (really do check this out as it's the ONLY pirate treasure that's been successfully recovered in North America! Who knew?), and then hitting the Lobster Pot for lunch (best lobster bisque ever). Though, I do have to say that the best clam chowder I've had on the Cape comes from Captain Parker's in Yarmouth (scary theme song on their site though). We also spent time searching for beach glass, which we actually found, for once! Turns out that the best beach glass can be found directly in Provincetown, right off Commercial Street, or on our very own Mayo Beach in Wellfleet. Who knew??

This morning, it was the bustle of packing everything into an already full car, and heading out. It literally started pouring, with thunder and lightning, as soon as we finished loading up the car. What luck! A quick stop at the Pancake Man (again with the crazy webstie theme song!) on our way home, and the trip was complete. 

(9 a.m.) Awwwww, I don't want to leave the Cape house!
(9:15) Are we at Yarmouth yet??? I want pancakes!
(9:20) How about now??
(9:45) Yayyyy we're here! I'm going to eat 600 chocolate chip pancakes!
(10:30) My tummy hurts!
(10:45) How long until we get home??? I don't want to drive for 6 hours! (it's really only 3, but he likes numbers that begin with 6)
(11:00) NOW how long will it be??? (do this every 5 minutes for 3 more hours and you'll feel like you were in the car with us)

And we're home. Cats are happy to see us, my windowsill herbs have grown a foot and have started trellising the blinds, and it's still raining. I'm glad we had a great sunny week and now it can rain all it likes!

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