Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve and Grandma squared

Today we had visits from my mom and Dennis' mom. Jack of course was in heaven. Who spoils him more than his Grandmas? I couldn't tell ya.

I told them "I hope you don't out-do Santa, because that would just be wrong...". But there is the distinct chance that Jack will be all presented out by tomorrow morning. Grandma A got Jack the art kit that I would not get him, because I thought he was too young.

Jack: (to Grandma A) Oh Man! You are JUST in time with this present. This is awesome! I'm going to draw stuff now... (waves us off with his hand)

Grandma B needed a U-Haul to get the presents over here. :)  There were lots. Jack opened a lot tonight, and there will be more tomorrow! But, Jack is Grandma B's only grandson, so you kinda have to remember that. Jack really tried to keep his manners in check as he opened presents.

Jack: Oh this one is for outside... (Pirate kite). Ohhh, this is a coloring book (toss).

me: Jack, pick that up and let's look at it. Don't toss anything that Grandma hands to you.

Jack: Okay. Hey this IS pretty cool. (gentle toss as he looks for another present)

Have we created a monster? Perhaps. Santa will surely bring Jack 5 or 6 things from his thesis of a Santa letter. I'm only guessing of course. Dennis and I have about 4 or 5 things to give, plus stocking stuffers.

Jack: (as I tucked him into bed) Can't wait to get up and see presents!

me: I don't think Santa is putting presents under your tree up here Jack.

Jack: But he did last year!

me: ...he did? ...oh, yeah, I think I remember. (sigh)

Jack: I'm just gonna get up and open them all!

me: You'll wake us up first please.

Jack: (reluctantly) okayyyyy, but only because you have to open your stuff.

me: Yeah otherwise you'd let us sleep while you tear the place up, right?

Jack: Haha. have to take pictures of course!

me: Of course. Get lots of rest okay? Merry Christmas... Do you want to leave your tree lights on?

Jack: Nah...too bright and distracting. Good night!

So another Christmas Eve comes to an end soon. Dennis and I exchanged a gift just a short while ago. True to form, the gift I gave him was one I gave about 2 years ago. LOL. I had totally forgotten. It was an awesome gift though. Must regift to someone. The gift that Dennis gave me was really for him, as it had to do with Netflix. So, there you have it.

We ate the few cookies we had put out for Santa, drank the milk, made the evidence look convincing, and off we go to get Jack's stuff from the basement and place it under the tree.

Merry Christmas!

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