Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy first day of school!

me: So? How was the first day?
Jack: It was haarrrrrddddddd... (Mild whimpering followed. He was soaked through with sweat from the bus ride. No A/C at school either. Ugh.)

me: What was your favorite part of the day?
Jack: Art class! We learned how to make a person out of an H and an A. Mine is going to be awesome!
me: That's great, I'm glad you had fun.
Jack: And I liked recess. (Just like me... art and recess...favorites!)
me: Did you make any new friends?
Jack: Oh yeahhhhh, lots. There's Jude and Patrick and Wesley and then there's Danny, but he told us to call him "Pimp Danny".
me: ???!!!!!

Really? In First Grade??

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